with Brenda Bailey-Hughes
April 24, 2025, 11 AM - 2 PM Eastern Time
10 AM - 1 PM Central Time
8 AM - 11 AM Pacific Time
$395 (US) per person




Enhancing your emotional intelligence is crucial for achieving success at any stage of life or in your career. It empowers you not only to navigate your own emotions but also to connect with others on a deeper level, making you a more effective leader, mentor, and coach.

In this program, Brenda Bailey-Hughes clearly defines emotional intelligence, delving into its various components and exploring how it can significantly impact your ability to manage your emotions and foster stronger, more meaningful relationships.

Participants will engage in various activities and discussions to appreciate and understand different perspectives, which is essential in today’s diverse work environments. They will learn to balance empathy with accountability, enabling support for others while maintaining high standards for themselves. Active listening will be emphasized to help fully understand and respond to the needs of those around them. Additionally, you'll learn to respond effectively to verbal and nonverbal cues, enhancing your communication skills and building rapport with colleagues, clients, and friends.

This program provides the tools to boost your emotional intelligence and overall effectiveness in both personal and professional settings.


Brenda Bailey-Hughes is an award-winning faculty member at the Kelley School of Business where she teaches business communication and leadership courses. Prior to joining the Kelley School, Brenda spent nearly a decade in human resources specializing in managerial training, mediation, and organizational development. She is a sought-after speaker and coach who frequently presents at conferences on over a dozen topics including influence, powerful presentations, leadership through the lens of emotional intelligence, customer service, and change strategies for personal growth.


  • Self Awareness: Become aware of your emotions and honest about their impact on you and others
  • Self Management: Make your emotions work for you and not against you
  • Relationship Management: Build collaborative and productive relationships with your team and colleagues
  • Social Awareness: Understand and accept the emotions and perspectives of others
  • How to increase your emotional intelligence



Program Level: Beginner/Intermediate
Delivery Method: Group Internet Based (Zoom platform)
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
Participants will earn 3 CPE credits or 3 PDC credits
Field of Study: Personal Development
PLEASE NOTE: All virtual programs are held using the Zoom web application. If you do not have Zoom, or if it is not approved for use in your organization, you can log in using your personal device (tablet or phone). If you would like to test Zoom to be sure it is working on your computer or portable device, you can do so by going to: https://zoom.us/test.
If your organization needs information for whitelisting Zoom you can find it by clicking here.
For more information regarding refund, complaint and program cancellation policies click here, or contact our corporate office at 775.322.8222. You may also view our NASBA Statement here.