with Christopher Littlefield
December 02, 2025, 11 AM - 2 PM Eastern Time
10 AM - 1 PM Central Time
8 AM - 11 AM Pacific Time
$395 (US) per person

/Book by Christopher Littlefield



Do your people feel valued by their leaders? If not, they may be looking for another job. Losing a key person can be devastating for your business. Yet, many leaders use the excuse of being too busy to avoid having the simple day-to-day conversations that would have had their employees stay. When effort goes unnoticed, it turns into resentment, unaddressed issues turn into toxic dynamics, and fed-up employees leave. If leaders want to build and maintain the respect, trust, and relationships that make people feel valued and allow great work to get done, it is time to master the Art of Recognition and Engagement.

Chris will introduce leaders to the core elements of engagement, help them assess how they are doing with their people, and provide strategies to address any gaps. Leaders will leave with an abundance of tried and tested check-ins, relationship-building activities, team rituals, and tools to help them maintain an employee experience that gets results.


Christopher Littlefield is an International Speaker, Expert in Employee Appreciation, Workplace Culture and the founder of Beyond Thank You. He has trained thousands of leaders, across six continents, on how to understand what their people want and need to be at their best. His clients include Accenture, Boston Medical, Lebanese Postal Service, MIT Sloan School of Management, Reserve Bank of Australia, Salesforce, the U.S. Army, the United Nations, and more. His work has been featured in New York, Inc, Mindful, and British Psychologies Magazines, and profiled in Harvard Business Review. Chris is a regular contributor to Forbes and Harvard Business Review and the author of the bestselling book, 75+Team Building Activities for Remote Teams.


  • Understand what each of their people wants and needs to feel valued and work at their best every day
  • How to effectively weave company values and standards into their daily employee appreciation/engagement efforts
  • How to avoid the four most common recognition pitfalls which foster distrust in organizations
  • Learn the key ingredients for engaging employees
  • Be provided with the tools to assess their current performance with each employee and set follow-up actions to address any gaps
  • Learn how to use acknowledgment, recognition, and praise to enhance positive work relationships and transform difficult ones


Personal Growth
Clear Feedback
Career Development

Program Level: Beginner/Intermediate
Delivery Method: Group Internet Based (Zoom platform)
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
Participants will earn 3 CPE credits or 3 PDC credits
Field of Study: Personal Development
PLEASE NOTE: All virtual programs are held using the Zoom web application. If you do not have Zoom, or if it is not approved for use in your organization, you can log in using your personal device (tablet or phone). If you would like to test Zoom to be sure it is working on your computer or portable device, you can do so by going to:
If your organization needs information for whitelisting Zoom you can find it by clicking here.
For more information regarding refund, complaint and program cancellation policies click here, or contact our corporate office at 775.322.8222. You may also view our NASBA Statement here.